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  1. Should be registered as a Yoco merchant via the Yoco website
  2. Received a Yoco card terminal [Go]
  3. Integrators: Requested a SDK Integration Key via SDK Integration Application form to obtain a secret key
  4. minSDKVersion: API
  5. targetSdkVersion: API
  6. Requires Java 11

Project Configuration

You will need to add the following permissions, which are required by the Yoco SDK and should be aded to your Manifest.xml

android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMINRequired for Terminal state changes
android.permission.BLUETOOTHRequired for connecting to terminals
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECTRequired for connecting to terminals
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCANRequired for scanning for terminals
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONRequired for security of transactions
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATIONRequired for security of transactions
android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATERequired for sending/receiving data from Yoco servers
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATERequired for sending/receiving data from Yoco servers
android.permission.INTERNETRequired for sending/receiving data from Yoco servers
android.permission.ACCESS_WAKE_LOCKRequired for processing of Transactions
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE(optional)Required for network diagnostics

Initialising the YocoSDK

Initialise the YocoSDK in your Application subclass to allow SDK to setup everything it needs to perform its tasks.

import com.yoco.payments.sdk.YocoSDK

class SampleApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {

fun initialiseSdk() {
// Initialises Yoco Payment UI SDK
context = applicationContext

The YocoSDK should ONLY be initialised once per application lifecycle.