Reconciling Checkout API Payments with Daily Payouts Made Easy

Matching your Checkout API payments with daily payouts is essential for accurate financial records. In this guide, we'll explain how to do this using Yoco Portal's Export feature, making sure all successful transactions are correctly recorded.


  1. Get your Checkout ID
  2. Access the export feature
  3. Choose the payout to reconcile
  4. Export payment records
  5. Match payment records
  6. Reconciliation

1. Get your Checkout ID

  1. When creating a checkout using the Checkout API, ensure to retain the checkout id provided in the response. You will need this id for reconciling transactions with your daily payouts.

2. Access the export feature

  1. Log in to your merchant portal.
  2. Navigate to the Sales and Refunds section.
  3. In the Sales and Refunds section, click on Payouts.
  4. You will see a list of your recent payouts in the Payout History.

3. Choose the payout to reconcile

  1. Select the specific payout you want to reconcile by clicking on it. You will be directed to the payout details page.

4. Export payment records

  1. On the bottom of the payout details page, you will find an Export button. Click on it to initiate the export process.
  2. The system will generate a CSV file containing the payment records associated with the selected payout.

5. Match payment records

  1. Once the download is complete, you can open the file.
  2. In the exported file, you will see various columns containing payment information, including the Online Reference column.
  3. The Online Reference column contains unique IDs for each payment. For example, ch_ngopqZ91r65hl8Osp2IPDrxB.
  4. Use this id to cross-reference to match successful transactions.

6. Reconciliation

  1. Refer to the payout report, which will only include successful transactions that have been either paid out or subtracted for refunds.
  2. For each transaction, check if the Online Reference in the payout report matches to the Checkout id provided the API response data.
  3. If there is a match, mark the transaction as successfully reconciled.

By following these steps, you can successfully reconcile your processed payments against your daily payout, ensuring that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support for assistance.