Lookup Last Transaction
When calling YocoSDK.getPaymentResult()
, this will query a transaction using the transactionId
and will return a PaymentResult
with the available transaction details. This could typically be used in the event that the app crashes or is terminated during a transaction, it is useful to know what happend to the transaction that was in progress. To look up the state of a previous transaction.
transactionId: String
- The ID of the transaction you want to get the result for.completionHandler: @escaping (PaymentResult?, Swift.Error?) -> Void
- The callback function to be notified of when it has been fetched.
Before calling the SDK showPaymentResult()
method, you will first need to retrieve the PaymentResult
from the SDK getPaymentResult()
, which can then be passed as a parameter to show the user a success or error screen based on that transaction.
import YocoSDK
// Async call
Yoco.getPaymentResult(transactionID: transactionID) { paymentResult, error in
// Use result of transaction if available
This will allow you to get the PaymentResult
of the transaction so you can determine if it was a success or failure.