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Pairing API

When calling YocoSDK.pairTerminal(), this will start the pairing/connecting to terminal/card machine flow. This will allow being able to connect/pair to a terminal without having to do this in the YocoSDK.charge() flow.


  • context: Context - The calling Activity/Fragment initiating the payment
  • result: ActivityResultLauncher - (Optional) Activity result launcher to receive results from pairing activity
  • userInfo: Map<String, Any>? - (Optional) Map of key-value pairs, providing additional info

The context that is passed as a parameter MUST be calling activity/fragment's context and NOT the application context.


To initiate the pairing/connecting to a terminal/card machine you will need to call the SDK pairTerminal() method.

import com.yoco.payments.sdk.YocoSDK

\\Sample result callback
private val pairingResult: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
System.err.println("Pairing Activity: Result Code: ${result.resultCode}") // PaymentSDK.Response.ResultCode

YocoSDK.pairTerminal(context = context, result = pairingResult)

This is the same initial flow as the `Charge API** before it initiates a payment.