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API integration keys

Integration keys are used by all of your SDKs and APIs to secure and link your payments to your business.

Securing your keys

  1. Create a Yoco account
  2. Fetch your keys from the Yoco Business Portal

1. Create a Yoco account

Before you can get started, you will need to create a Yoco account.

2. Fetch your keys from the Yoco Business Portal

Once you have a Yoco account, you can fetch your integration keys in the Yoco Business Portal. To locate your keys, go to Sell OnlinePayment Gateway.

In total, you will receive four keys:

  • set of test mode public and secret keys for testing purposes
  • set of live mode public and secret keys for actual transactions

Secret keys start with: sk_test_ (for test mode) or sk_live_ (for live mode).


Public keys start with: pk_test_ (for test mode) or pk_live_ (for live mode).

Test mode

Test mode allows you to test your integration without the risk of affecting real transactions or moving actual money. To enable test mode, use your test secret key in the Authorization header, as seen here.

While in test mode, the processingMode field of your Checkout will be set to test. This field is returned in Step 1: Create the Checkout and Step 3: Verify that the payment is successful of the Checkout lifecycle. The value of processingMode is determined by the API keys you use.

When attempting a test payment, it is recommended to utilise our provided test card details.


Your test transactions will not appear in your Sales History.


Refunds are not supported for transactions made in test mode.

To test your refund integration, you will need to perform a transaction in live mode.

Further Info

Your secret key should be stored securely on your server and is used to authenticate API calls made by your server to Yoco.


You should never include your secret key in your front-end code or on your website.