Showing Payment Result
When calling YocoSDK.showPaymentResult()
without passing in a ActivityResultLauncher
and handling the PaymentResult
in onActivityResult
, it will be assigned the PaymentResultInfo.RequestCode.LAST_TRANSACTION_RESULT_REQUEST
The YocoSDK.showPaymentResult()
is an optional API flow that will show the user a success or error screen.
context: Context
- The calling Activity/Fragment initiating the paymentpaymentResult: PaymentResult
- result returned from [YocoSDK.getPaymentResult()
]params: PaymentParameters
- (Optional) Provides additional info regarding the paymentreceiptDelegate: ReceiptDelegate?
- (Optional) Receipt screen callback handler and util
result: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>?
- (Optional) activity result handler contract to handle intent result
The context
that is passed as a parameter MUST be calling activity/fragment's context and NOT the application context.
Before calling the SDK showPaymentResult()
method, you will first need to retrieve the PaymentResult
from the SDK getPaymentResult()
, which can then be passed as a parameter to show the user a success or error screen based on that transaction.
If no user has logged in, you WILL be prompted to login using your Yoco account details. If successful, it will continue to the payment flow.